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The UN Declaration on Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Obviously, you all care massively about Global Poltics and the assorted documentation of the UN is your regular bedtime reading. but, in the unlikely event that you have not read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights here is your chance. Quite simply, this is one of the most important documents in the world. Please download and keep a copy... these are YOUR rights, MY rights, EVERYBODY'S rights.

You have 20 minutes to read the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Read the declaration in the language you feel most familiar with from the link here... there are 463 translations. While reading, you may want to consider the following questions.

Discussion questions:
What are your first thoughts on reading the declaration?
Do you think it is an important document? A necessary document? An effective document?
Are there any rights you feel should not be included? Any that have been missed out?

Working individually or as part of a small group, you are to develop a presentation exploring an example of when human rights have been breached or denied by a state. You may find groups such as Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch a useful place to start but this presentation should be based on YOUR opinion. If you can support what you say with evidence then you are free to choose any case study you wish.

You will present your case studies on Tuesday. They must be no longer than 5 minutes long (any longer than 5 minutes 30 seconds and you will be shut down). You are advised to bring a copy of your presentation on a flash drive to avoid issues with projector cables/poor internet etc.

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