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Essay Questions

Is the traditional principle of state sovereignty now redundant?


In what ways, and to what extent, has globalisation reshaped international politics?


'Military power is now largely obsolete in global politics.' Discuss.


To what extent is the global system now multipolar?


Are war and international conflict inevitable features of global politics?


To what extent is transnational terrorism a major threat to order and security?


Can terrorism ever be defeated through the use of military means?


To what extent are human rights effectively protected in the modern world?


Is humanitarian intervention ever justified?


Is international law a meaningful notion?


To what extent has the International Criminal Court succeeded in upholding humanitarian standards?


Globalisation has increased, not reduced, global poverty.' Discuss


To what extent does international aid work?


To what extent do effective international organizations require the existence of a global hegemon?


The UN has outlived its usefulness.' Discuss.


To what extent is global economic governance effective?


'The IMF and the World Bank have failed the world's poor.' Discuss.

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