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International Relations Theory


Power is a highly contested concept. Who has power? Why do they have power? To whose benefit do they exercise power? Many writers and theorists have developed competing theories of power and we are going to spend some time exploring some of these theories

The three writers whose theories of power we are going to explore are John Mearsheimer, Joe Nye and Antonio Gramsci.

TASK: Working in pairs/small groups you will explore the theory of power put forward by one of the writers above. You will present your findings to the class on Monday 5th September. You are strongly encouraged to make use of the resources presented below and to use them as a starting point before beginning your own research. You will be able to use class time on Friday to continue with your research and preparation.

           Here are some guiding questions that might help you in your presentation.

           1. Which theoretical foundation do you think is relevant to your selected writer?

           2. How do you think this theoretical foundation has influenced their theory of power?

           3. What is their explanaition for how power opereates in the international system?

           4. Who do they see as the most powerful actors in the international system?

           5. What is their main message abour the nature of power?

It is suggested that you watch the 'Death by PowerPoint' video before you beginning writing your presentation

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