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Non-Governmental Organisations

This lesson explores the role played by Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) on the global stage along with the ways in which they interact with national governments and how these interactions play out in terms of power and sovereignty.

Development NGOs

How do Development NGOs operate? What do they actually do? And what are the principles and rules they operate under? Watch the above video and write a summary addressing the above questions. 

Human Rights NGOs

What do Human Rights NGOs do? How do the operate and what rules and principles do they follow? Do Human Rights NGOs have or exercise power? Write a summary addressing the above questions. 

Environmental NGOs

How did Sea Shepherd's actions result in Japan ceasing whale killing in the Southern Ocean? What power do environmental NGOs have and is this similar to Human Rights NGOs? Write a summary that addresses the above questions.

The Problem with NGOs

What are some of the ideas that are presented in this video regarding NGOs

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