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Informal Forums

Competition time... How many of the world leaders can you recognise in this photo? You get ONE point for each correct name and ONE point for the country/institution/bloc they lead (hint: 2 of them are not leaders of a country)

You can find the answers here.... but no cheating! Try and guess first!

The G8 is an example of an 'informal forum' that provides an opportunity for world leaders to meet and discuss matters of global importance. This video below has been produced by the US Embassy in London and provides a concise introduction to what the G8 actually is, it's structure and it's aims. Remember, the video has been produced by one of the major states represented in the G8... consider this when evaluating it's reliability.

We are going to try and assess the effectiveness of the G8 as an agent of change on the global political change. You should read at least 2 of the articles below (if you are a fast reader you may choose to read all four) and then your task is to draw up a mind map that explores the different sides to the proposition that 'The G8 is not an effective agent of change in today's world'. You may choose to create your mind map on paper but if you would rather create an online version then try here. Remember to take a screenshot or save your work for revision

G8 Summit relies on hard graft, not congratulatory back patting - From the Guardian (UK)

The G8 - according to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (this is a great summary of the G8 that is well worth referring back to in during the course)

What did the G8 summit achieve? - Brookings Institute

G8 still relevant and effective - a Canadian diplomatic perspective

We will then share our mind maps and create, as a whole class, a shared mind map that explores this issue

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