Intergovernmental Organisations (IGOs)
As we have seen through exploring challenges to state sovereignty, states do not operate in isolation on the global stage. The majority of states are also members of intergovernmental organisations such as the UN (“inter” simply means between). You will work as part of a group to investigate one of the following intergovernmental organisatons:
1. The United Nations (UN)
2. European Union (EU)
3. World Trade Organisations (WTO)
4. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
5. The International Criminal Court (ICC)
You will present your work to the rest of the class. This should be in the format of a PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote or any other appropriate format. Remember, it will need to be something that everyone can take a copy of as we are sharing our learning in this activity. I will upload all the presentations to this page.
What should be included?
You should try to include the following in your work:
• Structure of the organisation – who are members, who are not. Who leads the organisation.
• Aims and practices of the organisation – what does it set out to do? How successful is it? To what extent does its practice meet its aims?
• Effects of the organisation – how does this organisation impact state sovereignty and legitimacy?
• Case studies and examples – try to relate your theoretical understandings to real world examples. Remember, in exams you will be expected to support your understanding with case studies and examples. You need to relate what you find out about chosen organisation with the unit concepts of Power and Sovereignty.
There are a wealth resources online (not least of all the organisation’s own website) to help you begin to exploring but remember to assess the worth of each source before whether to use it. I have included some resources to get you started below.
Starting Point for Sources
United Nations (UN)
United Nations YouTube Channel
What is the United Nations?
Introduction to the UN Security Council
European Union (EU):Guardian (UK Newspaper) Portal for EU Stories
A Brief Introduction to the EU
A Brief History of the EU (video)
World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Homepage of the World Trade Organisation
The WTO Explained - with maps (video)
Guardian (UK Newspaper) Portal for WTO
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Everything you ever wanted to know about the IMF... in under 5 minutes (video)
The IMF... by the IMF
The IMF at a glance
The International Criminal Court