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Humanitarian Intervention Case Study: Rwanda

In this lesson we will consider the following key questions:

'How far could intervention in Rwanda in 1994 be justified on humanitarian grounds' and 'To what extent was humanitarian intervention effective?'

To begin with, watch this video that provides an 8 minute summary of events leading up to and including the genocide in Rwanda in 1994.

Now you have seen the video, you may find you need to process and reflect on what you have seen and heard. Take 15 minutes to read the following extract and make a note of any questions that arise.

We are now going to work in groups on trying to develop our understanding of the issues surrounding the genocide and the role played by the international community. In groups of no more than 4,  map out the some of the key questions that arise, your responses to the key questions above. But, and this is really important, you need to support what you say with evidence. So, if for example, you say that of course humanitarian intervention was justified, you need to say why to think this. What is there in international law that supports your view? 

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