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Social Movements

This lesson, we are going to turn the tables. You - as a class - are going to spend some time figuring things out and you are going to educate me. We have 60 minutes exactly to create a topic map that teaches me all about the OCCUPY movement. This will, hopefully, enhance your understanding of one particular social movement. Your map must tell me the following: What is the OCCUPY movement?; What are its aims?; What differentiates a social movement from an NGO?; How does it relate to the concepts of Power, Sovereignty and International Relations?; How has this movement spread and grown around the world?; How effective is the OCCUPY movement?

How do you design a concept map? Totally up to you! How do you allocate tasks within the group? Again, totally up to you. Where do you find the information? There are some sources listed below... otherwise, the usual answer applies.... totally up to you!


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