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Case Study: Indentity Based Conflict in Myanmar

Source 1
Source 2

Carefully study the two cartoons above. In this lesson we are going to consider conflict in relation to the Rohingya people in Myanmar (also known as Burma). Based on your reading of the cartoons, as well as your own knowledge where appropriate, create a mind map that shows your current understanding of the situation.

Over the course of this lesson we are going to investigate the issue in more detail in with the aim that, by the end of the lesson, your mind-map will be much more detailed and, crucially, based on evidence so that we can answer the question "To what extent is the conflict affecting the Rohingya in Myanmar/Burma based on identity?'

Source 3:
Begin by reading this article from the Guardian newspaper: "Burma Rejects 'Unbalanced' Rohingya remarks by Noble prize winners."


Source 4:

Now, let's revisit our definitions of conflict. Based on what you have read so far, do you feel this meets th criteria for a conflict and, if so, which category of conflict?

Source 5 :Now, watch this short video clip from Al-Hidaayah. What does this add to our understanding of the situation in Rakhine State? How might you develop your mindmap?

Source 5:

                                               Who are the Rohingya and what is happening in Myanmar?

Take a look at this article f. What does this add to our understanding? Does it contradict or support any of the other sources we have looked at? 

You have 30 minutes, working in pairs, find one more sources that adds to our understanding of the issue and that helps to answer the question "To what extent is the conflict affecting the Rohingya in Myanmar/Burma based on identity?'

We will now look at some of the proposed solutions to this crisis.

Again, conduct some research and use the levels of analysis to find out what the proposed solutions are from a local, national, regional and international perspective

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