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The Emergence of Nation-States

The concept of a nation state is a relatively modern invention and was a result of the Treaty of Westphalia. In this lesson we will explore the emergence of states and consider some of the changes that took place.

The basic unit of international politics today is the territorial nation-state. They exist in an international order where there is no higher power and they are all responsible for their own security. One view of international politics is that the world is a competitive place where only the strong survive and the weak are consumed by those that are more powerful.

To get a clear understanding of what international politics is today, and how that process evolved I want you to look at the above sorces and then answer the questions below for homework. The PowerPoints that I have created have been designed to express these ideas simply and clearly. The reading goes into much more detail and you should read that one last.

1. What was the treaty of Westphallia, and why is it considered so important?

2. Define the following terms, state, nation, nation-state, sovereignty.

3. Sometimes the word is described as being characterised by possessing an anarchical system of states. What is meant by this term?

4. What types of challenges do states face today to their sovereignty. Explain your answer.

5. How, if at all, is state sovereignty affected by globalisation?​

6. What are the moral and political advantages and disadvantages of the modern state?

7. According to what set of criteria should new states be admitted into international society/

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