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Peace and Balance of Power

The theory of Balance of Power states that national security is strengthened when military power is distributed so that no single state is strong enough to dominate all others. To what extent do you think that power balancing is a useful mechanism for creating sustainable peace? Can you think of any contemporary examples of this?

Discussion Activity:

  1. Which do you feel is most effective - Balancing, Bandwagoning, Buck-passing or Blood-letting? In which circumstances might a state use each different strategy?

    2. Give one contemporary example of each strategy using your knowledge of current affairs and                 international relations.

Additional reading:

You should read the article here entitled 'Balance of Power: a Cause of War, a Condition of Peace, or Both?' Once you have read the article, you should be prepared to give your answer to the question posed in the title.

Also read the following interview with the former Australian Prime Minister, Paul Keating, on his views about balancing China's rise in East Asia.

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