Models of Development

In this lesson we are going to consider different models of development. By model we mean a theory designed to explain an entire situation or behaviour, with the idea that it would eventually be able to predict that behaviour.
We will consider two theories of development in particular, neoliberalism and neomarxism (dependency theory), and we will compare and contrast them before attempting to come to a judgment as to which offers the most convincing pathway towards development. Remember, you do not have to agree with each other... independent thought is not only encouraged, but is vital here.
First things first, you need to download the following document which will form the basis of our theoretical knowledge in this lesson
So, this leaves us with two questions: FIrstly, how did the south end up poor and the north rich? Secondly, how can states and the global political system reduce this development gap?
Different models provide different explanations for both the first and second of these questions. Neomarxists and dependency theorists argue that the causes of the development gap are rooted in the unfair and inequitable structure of the global economy and that change will be impossible without wholesale reform of the global economic system. Neoliberal theorists, on the other hand, claim that the international economic structure, if based on economic liberal ideas, will benefit all, rich and poor alike. We will tackle the second of these questions in the next lesson.
In the next lesson we are going to debate the proposition that "Neoliberalism is a more convincing model of development than Neomarxism'.
You will be allocated one side of the debate to prepare for (remember, you do not necessarilly need to believe what you are arguing for). You should spend this lesson, in your groups, preparing for the debate. Your starting point should be pp. 398-409 of the the extract above although you can, of course, use any other appropriate sources as well.